Two To Go
Alright my friends, chances are that this will be my final post concerning SBS.
I just finished the last epistle this Saturday, and am now stepping into the Gospel of John sixty-four books later, and will finish up next week with our final book, Revelation. Having been more familiar with the New Testament, I would never have imagined to learn so many new things. Though, scripture is timeless and every time we pick it up, something new can be discovered. There were challenges and tears, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Perhaps the most extraordinary thing that I have learned throughout the epistles, is that absolutely nothing is about us. This world is so consumed with the comfort and safety of the individual, that taking care of those around you no matter who they are seems to be lost. Politics seem to be enough of a reason to treat people as if they were disposable, which isn’t what we were designed for. Time and time again, the one thing we are told to do is to love one another. You can find it in Romans, Ephesians, 1 Thessalonians, 1 Peter, 1 John etc. I find it so incredibly humbling, that as Christians we are not here to do anything else but to abide in God, and letting our obedience to him be exemplified by serving, and honouring others. We serve a God who gave himself up for us, thus, we are to do the same. The greatest gift we have been given, was that Jesus encapsulated man, taking our own iniquities upon himself so that we might be forgiven, and our past transgressions forgotten upon the renewal of our hearts and acceptance of who Jesus is. I know that this seems like pretty simple stuff, but to truly understand what this requires of us, is hard, somehow incomprehensible and unattainable, because we don’t deserve that.
What a simple task we are given, yet it is so difficult at times, to adhere to such a law. Let alone, I struggle daily to have patience with people, and sometimes I truly wonder how Jesus did not set Jerusalem on fire.
These last (almost) nine months have been nothing short of life changing, and I would not trade this experience for anything. Not only have I gained biblical knowledge, but I’ve grown in ways I could never have imagined. I’m learning more everyday, not only intellectually but also spiritually, and emotionally. I am striving to apply the truth’s I have learned, knowing that it will be a lifetime of practice before I can master any of them. There is always room for improvement and growth; now more than ever do I understand that “happiness” is not attached to the world around us, nor is it confined to the limitations of our accomplishments. It is an intangible emotion won by letting the Lord be our satisfaction, letting him be enough.
Now that I am two weeks out to graduation, I’m still in need of about 1,500 CAD, and 1050 EUR in order to pay off my final quarter. I’d love if you’d consider supporting me financially as I conquer these last two weeks. Prayer is also highly appreciated, as the Gospel of John and Revelation are not the easy books to work through with ease (though I truly am looking forward to these last two books). Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and thank you to those who have already supported me and kept me in your prayers.
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